Bio's for TWHS Class of '80
Last Name now
E-mail Address
L. Keenan Delaney
Vice President -- Public Affairs
Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. (ACS)
2828 North Haskell Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75204
(214) 841-6060
(214) 775-0647 - fax
After living in Savannah, GA for 19 years, I recently moved to Pennsylvania with my husband, Joel Rosen. He is a professor
at Moravian College and I am doing Educational research for Lehigh University. I taught Kindergarten for many, many years
prior to coming here.
I have a son, Travis, (age 16) who stayed in Savannah to live with his father and stay with his friends and his high school.
He makes straight A's and is on the tennis team. I don't want to mess that up!
I'd love to hear from old friends!
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Life is GOOD! For a woman, there is something very
liberating about turning 40. I'm currently single and loving it. (Divorced, actually.) I never had children, but I love
kids, so if you ever visit my home, your kids are always welcome too. I've remained in Columbus with a career at The Ohio
State University for the past 20 years. But that's work...for fun I sing...gospel and blues. During the past two years I've
been the lead vocalist for a local blues band, called The Zen Blues Band. Please come out and hear us some time. We have
a lot of fun, and the audience gets to participate and have fun too. We have several upcoming gigs, but probably the most
exciting venue is The Blues Station in the Arena District where we are scheduled to play on Saturday, May 14. Please come
out and say hi. Check out our web site for more gigs: www.thezenbluesband.com
Send me a message, I'd love to hear from you.
Hi! I'm currently living in Marysville with 2 of my 3
kiddos... Amanda (16), Scotty (8) and Zach (19) lives with his dad. I get back to Worthington quite a bit, as my mom, brother
and sister-in-law still live there. I work in Dublin at Nationwide Insurance - and that's pretty much it! Hope to see a lot
of you at the Bogey!!
After H.S. I went to Knox College in Galesburg, IL and
graduated in 1984 with a B.A. in Psychology. In 1985 I moved to Los Angeles. After job floating for a while, I started training
as a legal secretary in 1987 and am still at it 19 years later! Hard to believe. This is certainly not what I thought I would
be doing (wanted to be a doctor
from 6th grade until freshman year of college) but it is OK.
In 1989 I married Scott Fisher at the beach in Santa Monica. In 1993 we moved to Marietta, a suburb of Atlanta, and bought
our first house. In 1999 I had a daughter Shayna, and in 2001 a son Jaden. In 2004 we moved to another part of Marietta so
Shayna could go to a better school.
Before kids I was a quilter and after we finally finish working on our new (old) house I plan to get back to it now that the
kids are old enough to play without constant supervision! I also enjoy knitting (which I learned a few years ago and have
kept up with) and cross-stitch.
I am sorry I will not be able to attend our 25th reunion but school here starts on August 8th!! Shayna will be in 1st grade
and Jaden will be in Pre-K. They would not take kindly to taking a vacation 2 weeks later. I have not seen the school calendar
yet but in the unlikely event that they have a teacher work day or early release around that time,
we'll try to make it.
I would like to keep in touch with anyone who is interested so please e-mail me at work! Meg
After 10 long years in Philly, FINALLY back in OHIO!!!
Since high school I went to OSU got thrown out went back and graduated on the 5 year plan like most of us. Thought I
would be the last one to stay in Columbus but like it more than ever.In 1987 I got married to my wife Cathy from Indiana and
we just had a little boy named
Nate. I have worked as a Real Estate agent since College and own a Real Estate brokerage still located in Worthington and
have helped many TWHS grads find homes and investment property. Hobbies are a lot of outdoor stuff like backpacking and kayaking
trying to keep up the surf ohio tradition.
Graduated from Ohio State in 1985 with a degree in Industrial Design and a damaged liver from 5 years of rugby. Moved
soon after graduation to Dallas, Texas to take a position with Texas Instruments where I stayed for 10 years and continued
to play rugby. Finally retired from rugby after 15 years and too many injuries.
Married my wife Susi in 1988 (also an OSU Design grad) and have two daughters McKenzie (11) and Meredith (8).
In 1997, I left TI to move outside of Boston where I have been with Bose Corporation for almost 8 years as Manager of Industrial
Design. In 2005, my role changed and I now head a design team focused on developing Bose's automotive business. I spend a
great deal of time on the road, in and out of the US visiting auto shows and our customers.
My interests include snowboarding, brewing, technology and working around the yard and house.
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I live in Centerville outside of Dayton. I am married to a GREAT man named Dave Miller for 23 years this June!!! We
have a daughter Nichole, age 19, a sophmore in college, a son Danny, 16, a sophmore in high school, and a son Scotty, 11,
grade 5. I work an elementary school as an office aide.
Our family loves to travel, and go out on our boat.
I moved to FL right before my senior year at WHS and left all of my friends behind. But 25 years later, I am the mother
of 2 teenagers, and doing great. I come home to Worthington often to see my family that still lives there. There are many
of you that I would love to hear from and see!
My best to everyone!
Have been in Colorado since '93 and love it. Currently reside halfway between Denver and Colorado Springs. After growing
up in the suburbs, I never thought I'd have to drive 15 miles to the supermarket. The mountain views and wildlife make it
worthwhile. Happily married since 1995 to a southern gentleman. So glad the reunion is in August. Will make special effort
to attend as I'm dying to get to Cedar Point! Nothing compares to America's Roller Coast.
de Hilster
I've been married 24 years (yes to the same man!) and have 2 kids. My oldest is graduating from Texas Tech and
will be marrying in May of 2005. My youngest is 14 and continues to challenge the best of educators! After a short career
as a police/fire dispatcher I resigned to begin my second career as a stay at home mom. This was a good plan since my
husband decided to take a job that has required us to make several moves over the years. Since graduation, we've lived
in Circleville, Pickerington and Strongsville before beginning to see the rest of America. After seven years in
San Antonio, Texas, we moved to Bridgeport, West "By God" Virginia, for two years and now live in Benton, Arkansas.
Well, it finally happened! I turned 40, had my midlife crisis, and since I was already divorced :), quit my comfy
corporate job and dove into the field of commission sales! Yes, real estate. 20+ years of (semi) predictability
finally got to me. My oldest daughter started Florida State this fall and my youngest daughter, who is a junior in high
school, is turning what is left of my ungray hair, gray. Okay, truth be told, I did finally concede to some highlights
(baby steps). Survived hurricane season with mainly power outages and all of the landscaping debris that I should
have been maintaining anyway, blew from everywhere and eventually ended up in a pile on the curb for the county to collect.
But other than that, we love living in Jacksonville! And, we are hosting the next Super Bowl which is big news for a
town our size, even if we have to have cruise ships come to town for housing! WHERE ARE THE COSMOS?
After WHS, graduated from Purdue University. Moved to St. Louis and worked in a bank. Boring! Got married
and moved to Switzerland. Madeleine was born there and we stayed about 8 years. Then moved to Atlanta for a few
years while I worked for Delta Air Lines. Got married again ("if at first you don't succeed....") and in 2000 moved
to Santiago, Chile. Still working for an airline. Madeleine is 12 now. And my husband, Jorge, has three
kids: Manuel Antonio (15), Margarita (14) and Rosario (11). My parents are still in Worthington so I get back
once or twice a year -- what a beautiful place! After being away for so many years (25!), you realize how very lucky
we all were..... Somewhere I have some Kindergarten photos from Colonial Hills ... and a Brownie Initiation photo with
Claire Shipman, Kathryn Hizer, Lauren Tyler ..et al. I'll try to find them and send them along.
Howdy! Have called Texas home since '83 but my pardners still call me a bald-headed yankee. Spent the 80's exploring
the west, checking things off life's To Do List, and playing as much golf as possible. Settled down and grew up (mostly) in
the mid 90's and married my wonderful wife and became a Stepdad to her son. We were then blessed with beautiful twin daughters
who have their Daddy totally wrapped. Get back when I can as my Mom still lives in Brookside after 40 years. Spend the week
brokering lumber and the weekends playing with the kids and seeing what I can tear apart and put back together around the
house, no ranch yet.
I teach art to middle school angels from the rural part of South Carolina. Currently I have 2 children and 1 husband.
I would love to come to our big reunion, but traveling during school is not possible. I wish it could be in the summer
time, but most of you are probably closer than I am. Have a great time if I don't see you.
Still living in Worthington with wife, Joyce (McKeown)Bootes and three kids. Still hangin' with John Hitzemann
and Brett Wright (unfortunately)! :)
Ditto!! :) (and hangin' with Jen Brown, too!)
Married with two great kids. Work for the Ohio Lottery Commission. Happy with life!
Jeff and I have been married for 21 years. How scary is that??? We have 2 sons, Tucker and Max, and are living
in Colonial Hills. What a great place to raise a family! We're beginning work on the 25th reunion...
I've spent way too much time going to school and even when I finished I never left. Now, I'm teaching at Otterbein
College! Married one of my students, Frank, two years ago (yes, he's over 18). One stepson, Carl (16), who is
in a "metal" band (opening for a bigger band in Cleveland!). Still my bright, buxom, blonde self!! Woohoo!
Hi Ya'll! I have been living in Alabama for 14 years now with my husband and 4 teenage daughters.
Living in Mount Gilead with Jen (Brown) Bynes, my two sons, Max and Cole, and Jen's kids, Samantha, Zach and Cheyenne.
Still running the stucco business and hanging out with friends (old and new). Check out our website at http://AdvancedStuccoDesigns.com
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Living back in Ohio after 7+ years in Alaska. I have three children, Samantha (19), Zachary (13) and Cheyenne (10). Brett
Wright (also Class of '80) and I live together in a house we just built in Mount Gilead. Brett has two kids, Coleton (8) and
Maxwell (7). When we are all together, it's a kind of semi-controlled mayhem that we love. I still hang out with some of the
gang from high school including: Kerry Strayer, Joe Patchen, John Hitzemann, Jeff DeMuth, Larry Bootes and Joyce McKeown.
My "spare" time is consumed by the maintenance of this site. It's so much fun to hear from everyone! E-mail whenever the
mood hits you!
Three children, Michael, Collin and Danielle, keep me very busy. All three children are or have graduated from
the Worthington School district, which is a dream of mine. One of my children has had Bev Graves and Coach VanArsdale for
teachers and yes, they remembered his mother. It is a great feeling to go back to the school district and introduce my teachers
to my children. I continue to work as a Steel Buyer for Honda Trading and love my job. The kids, work and friends keep
me busy and very happy.